Trans Community, Education, Entertainment

Online Communities

Reddit — The popular link-sharing and discussion site has a number of sub-communities, called subreddits, which are devoted to the trans experience. AskTransgender is one of the biggest, and is centered around people asking and answering questions about gender. Even if you don’t make any posts yourself, there are lots of archived conversations to read and learn from.

There are also individual subreddits for trans men and trans women, both of which welcome non-binary people as well.

Note: Every community on Reddit is individually moderated, and each attracts different types of people. It cannot be guaranteed that every subreddit will offer a positive experience.

Susan’s Place Susan’s Place is one of the earliest web forums where transgender people, especially women, could find community. There are a lot of archived posts to read and learn from, as well as active users.

Note: The Susan’s Place community has a large proportion of users who have transitioned years or even decades ago. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn from trans elders, but keep in mind that every new generation experiences gender—and transition—a little differently, and nobody’s experience is “more right” than another.

Atlanta-based Communities

Someone Cares Atlanta — Providing “essential and much needed services to all – the LGBTQ community, marginalized, indigent, homeless and high at-risk populations. To date, as we celebrate our 20th anniversary of addressing HIV/AIDS, mental health, and other health disparities – through hard work, empathy and love of being our brother’s keeper, we’ve reached and served over 80,000 individuals and have been an ardent supporter in LGBT community.”

Frolicon — “Frolicon is the unique juxtaposition of the geek and kink worlds celebrated in glorious fashion in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Each Spring we celebrate our unique sense of fun and frivolity with 2000 of our closest friends. What’s your poison? We’ve got it all. Kink. Gaming. Burlesque. Music. Costuming. Parties. Lots and lots of parties. At Frolicon we pride ourselves on providing a safe and comfortable place where you can be you. With tracks of programming with focuses on LGBTQIA, erotica and sci-fi/fantasy authors, photography, dance, polyamory, psychology, and so much more we are positive that you’ll find your happy place and maybe discover a few new ones. See you in the Spring!”

True Selves — Another forum from the early days of the web, this has a wealth of archived posts, as well as active users from across the gender spectrum.

Southern Fried Queer Pride: “Southern Fried Queer Pride (SFQP) is an Atlanta-based queer and trans, arts and advocacy organization and festival celebrating the vibrant communities of the Southern United States.”

Trevor Project: “Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.”

Transgender Support Groups in the Atlanta Area

Someone Cares:providing essential and much needed services to all – the LGBTQ community, marginalized, indigent, homeless and high at-risk populations. To date, as we celebrate our 20th anniversary of addressing HIV/AIDS, mental health, and other health disparities – through hard work, empathy and love of being our brother’s keeper, we’ve reached and served over 80,000 individuals and have been an ardent supporter in LGBT community.”

Trans Voices in Media

Articles and Blogs

Natalie Reed is a rationalist and critical thinker who explores, among other topics, the complex nature of deciding whether someone is “actually” transgender. The following article is her most well-known:

  • The Null HypotheCis — This piece explores the tendency of society to assume that people are not transgender until proven otherwise. It asks the question: what if proving and justifying who you are was not necessary for you to claim a trans identity?

Zinnia Jones is a writer and thinker who actively combats negative societal perceptions and beliefs about transgender people. Many of her articles explore the interactions between gender dysphoria and mental health. The following are some of her most popular works, in chronological order:

Julia Serano is a scholar who has been important in developing an intellectual and scientific approach to the trans experience, as well as defending trans youth whose gender variance has come under fire from society. Her writings appear on her personal website, as well as the popular writing platform Medium.

Maya Henry: “Follow the metamorphic journey of Maya! A trans girl based in Toronto, Canada. From fashion, to lifestyle, to hormones, and story-times–Maya does it all!” A great video to start with is her tips on How to Love Yourself As A Trans Woman


Whipping Girl by Julia Serano — This book is an intellectual and emotional journey through the transition of the author, a transgender scientist and scholar. The first half is a review of the unique ways that society oppresses trans people, and offers language for understanding those oppressions. The second half is more vulnerable and autobiographical, and discusses themes such as her physical experience of gender dysphoria, and a changing relationship to sexuality.

The Trans Partner Handbook: A Guide For When Your Partner Transitions by Jo Green – Description: Individuals who transition from one gender to another are often in some degree of a relationship, and over 55% of these relationships endure through the transition process.

While more resources are emerging for trans people themselves, there is very little information available for their partners. Through first-hand accounts and vignettes of successful partnerships, this book presents detailed descriptions of everything involved in the transition process, with specific guidance for those supporting a partner in transition. Topics include disclosure, mental health, coming out, loss and grief, sex and sexuality and the legal, medical and social practicalities of transitioning. In this essential guide, people whose partners are across the transgender spectrum speak out on their own experiences with personal advice and support for others.

Becoming a Visible Man by Jamison Green — This book also contains a mix of autobiography and analysis, from the valuable perspective of a trans man, an educator and activist who also lived for years as a lesbian. It’s both emotional and philosophical, and addresses the social and political forces that impact the transgender experience, as well as his personal experience of transition, and the unique challenges of transitioning while being a parent.

Testo Junkie: Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era by Paul B. Preciado — A raw and insightful exploration of the social, political, and scientific forces surrounding the manufacturing of synthetic sex hormones, and their impact on how transgender bodies are seen and sexualized by society. Woven throughout this analysis is an account of the author’s physical and emotional experience of taking testosterone for one year, and its effect on his relationship with his body and mind.

Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation by Eli Clare — This touching and urgent memoir by a genderqueer poet and activist explores themes of disability, displacement, and class, and how they intersect with queerness and gender-nonconformity. An important reflection on many kinds of non-normative bodies, and what makes them more similar than different.

Nevada by Imogen Binnie — This fictional novel is a cartoonishly cynical but true-to-life tale of a trans woman living in New York City who upends her life on a spontaneous road trip west. In the process, she meets a young man who she becomes convinced is a future trans woman currently living in denial, and grapples with her own self-worth and mental health in the process of attempting to help him with his. While this novel explores more of the dark side of trans experience, it offers an accurate and perhaps cathartic depiction of the innermost mental processes of many trans women.

Yes, You Are Trans Enough: My Transition from Self Loathing To Self Love by Mia violet — This is the deeply personal and witty account of growing up as the kid who never fitted in. Transgender blogger Mia Violet reflects on her life and how at 26 she came to finally realize she was ‘trans enough’ to be transgender, after years of knowing she was different but without the language to understand why.

From bullying, heartache and a botched coming out attempt, through to counselling, Gender Identity Clinics and acceptance, Mia confronts the ins and outs of transitioning, using her charged personal narrative to explore the inaccuracies of trans representation and confront what the media has gotten wrong.

An essential read for anyone who has had to fight to be themselves.

You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery by Dara Hoffman-Fox — Are you wrestling with questions surrounding your gender that just don’t seem to go away? Do you want answers to questions about your gender identity, but aren’t sure how to get started?

In this groundbreaking guide, Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC—accomplished gender therapist and thought leader whose articles, blogs, and videos have empowered thousands worldwide—helps you navigate your journey of self-discovery in three approachable stages: preparation, reflection, and exploration.

In You and Your Gender Identity, you will learn:

  • Why understanding your gender identity is core to embracing your full being
  • How to sustain the highs and lows of your journey with resources, connection, and self-care
  • How to uncover and move through your feelings of fear, loneliness, and doubt
  • Why it’s important to examine your past through the lens of gender exploration
  • How to discover and begin living as your authentic self
  • What options you have after making your discoveries about your gender identity

This unique, interactive guide can help you answer the questions you’ve been asking yourself


ContraPoints — Natalie Wynn is a transgender YouTube personality who makes entertaining and educational videos about gender and politics, mostly aimed at a mainstream audience. Her content specializes in breaking down complex social topics in an engaging manner and debunking myths about the transgender experience.

Note: As ContraPoints is aimed at a primarily non-transgender audience, some of her videos might lack sensitivity and nuance that would be more appropriate for videos aimed at the trans community. This does not mean that her content is not valuable, especially for communicating with non-transgender family or friends, but it’s an important thing to keep in mind.

Body Feminizing Workouts for Trans Women and Femmes


Assigned Male by Sophie Labelle — This webcomic is all about the trans experience, from the perspective of Sophie, a precocious six-year old who fights for her recognition as a girl.

UP and OUT by Julia Kaye — This webcomic is about the author’s experience coming out as a trans woman, and all the fear, struggle, and joy associated with it.

Mantime by Sam — This is a webcomic about the life and experience of a trans man, and a lighthearted take on the trans experience in general.

Rooster Tails by Sam Orchard — This is a long-running slice-of-life webcomic about a queer trans guy and his genderqueer partner.

Rae the Doe by Olive Brinker — This cutely-drawn comic about Rae the deer and her friends is about many things, including Rae’s experience as a trans woman.

Robot Hugs by RH and MZ — Robot Hugs is a unique and versatile webcomic that explores themes of gender, sexuality, identity, depression, relationships, and mental health, all in an accessible and engaging style.

Kimchi Cuddles by Tika Wolf — This slice-of-life webcomic follows a group of polyamorous, queer, and genderqueer individuals learning about relationships and each other. The comic focuses on ethical non-monogamy, but in doing so, also explores themes of sexuality, gender, and gender non-conformity that often show up in interpersonal relationships.

Tikva Wolf is a freelance author and illustrator focusing on the topics of healthy communication and relationship dynamics, as well as polyamorous, queer, and gender issues. Wolf’s work is used as an aid by therapists and educators, has been translated to several different languages, and is a part of the Kinsey Institute’s archive collection as well as the Ivy Plus Libraries Global Webcomics Archive.